2月23日 (月) 17:00 - 20:30
The Foundry – 4130 1st Ave South Seattle WA 98134
When: Monday, February 23, 2015 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: The Foundry – 4130 1st Ave South Seattle WA 98134
Registration: http://jassw.org/events/
Event sponsor – $500.00 (USD)
Event sponsorship – $250.00 (USD)
JASSW member – $85.00 (USD)
Non-member – $105.00 (USD)
Please take a look of the video that Japan America Society recorded for the Kobe Beef Event.
So far 65 have registered for the Event and capacity is 100.
This event gives you an opportunity to not only eat pure Kobe Beef from the city of Kobe but also gives you the education of what Wagyu is and Wagyu business in USA (what are the differences in the Kobe Beef Style and all other Wagyu brands?).
Yumi, our staff was able to bring the Owner of John Howie Steak to the event and talk about the customer’s preference at his restaurant and do the demonstration how he cooks steak and his own style of Shabu Shabu! Shiro-san, Founder of Shiro’s Sushi and Nishino-san, Owner of Nishino Restaurant are also helping to celebrate Washoku!
A representative from Itoham America is going to talk about the consumption of Wagyu in the USA, plus there will be a Sake tasting booth, Jazz entertainment etc. We have lots of collaboration for JASSW to have a successful event.
This is going to be one of the greatest events so please do not miss the opportunity to participate in Kobe Beef on Monday, February 23.
Ps: Thank you Director Kakiuchi of Kobe Trade Information Office for arranging real Kobe beef. People have no idea how tough it is to bring real Kobe Beef to Seattle.