From October 8th to 14th, a delegation of 22 tea ceremony practitioners from Hyogo Prefecture in Japan came to Washington State to demonstrate the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony and to share Japanese culture. On October 11th they held a special Tea Ceremony event at Nikkei Concerns where more than 50 people participated.

Yesterday marked the end of the six-day visit by the ten high school students from Kobe and they returned to Japan. They will hold dear their memories of their time here with the students, homestay families, and Seafair Ambassadors. However, the Kobe students are very much looking forward to the students from Seattle coming to stay in Japan next month!

Every year, as part of the Kobe-Seattle Sister City exchanges, a group of high school students come from Kobe to stay in Seattle and experience life in the local schools. A group of ten students arrived today and were greeted by the Seafair Ambassador students! This time, the students from Kobe will stay for six days and their visit will include courtesy calls to local schools and even to the Seattle Mayor’s office. We wish the Kobe student the best of luck for their stay!

Last year, Kobe started a new contest called “Battle de egg” for bands to compete. The winning band plays a live concert in Las Vegas. On November 7th, this year’s winner (Singalong Parade) performed, as did last year’s winner, VINO. Our office accompanied the band and even had the chance to meet the coordinator on the Las Vegas side of this program. We look forward to continuing this program in the future for many years to come!
11月7日、昨年から始まった次世代アーティスト育成プロジェクト「Battle de egg」の第2回優勝チーム「シンガロンパレード」がラスベガスで公演。当事務所も同行しました。今年は昨年優勝チームの「VINO」も参加し、2バンドが迫力あるサウンドを披露しました。また、ラスベガス側の責任者Mary Anne Beaman氏にも会うことができ、来年以降の取り組みについて意見交換を行いました。

From October 14th to 16th, our office attended the IMEX America 2014 trade show for incentive travel, meetings, and events in Las Vegas. IMEX America is the biggest trade show of its kind in the US with 2,900 exhibitors and 10,000 attendees over the course of the three day event. The City of Kobe is working to attract more conventions to the city, and this convention helped our office to connect with a lot of possible partners for the future.
10月14日~16日、ラスベガスで行われたコンベンション・インセンティブツアーの見本市「IMEX America 2014」に参加しました。この見本市はアメリカでも最大規模のもので、2900の団体が出展し、3日間で1万人の参加者がありました。神戸市では近年コンベンションの誘致に力を入れており、今回もたくさんの商談につなげることができました。