K supercomputer maintains #1 spot in Graph500 ranking

2016/07/20 News


The K supercomputer has once again placed 1st in the Graph500 supercomputer rating for June 2016. The Graph 500 list is released twice a year, and the K supercomputer has managed to stay on top of the ranking three consecutive times since July 2015. This is in large part due to the efforts of Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro, who has worked to improve the efficiency of the K supercomputer.


The K supercomputer was created and is maintained by the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, and serves as the centerpiece of the Port Island Biomedical Cluster located in the City of Kobe. As part of the Biomedical Cluster, K sees use in the creation and research of new pharmaceuticals.


celebratory receptionThe Kobe International Club and Hyogo Kenjinkai hosted a celebratory reception in New York on July 8th, 2016 in Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro’s honor. There the President of the Kobe International Club, Mr. Hitomi Fujisaki praised Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro for all of his hard work in raising the efficiency of the K supercomputer.




2016年6月、京スーパーコンピューターがGraph500 での世界第1位を3期連続達成。Graph500は毎年2回開催され、京を活用して、計算機能のより高速なスーパーコンピューターを凌ぎました。この成果は、理化学研究所の許可を得て、京の演算機能の最適化に取り組んできた鈴村豊太郎さんの功績です。



