As of April 1st, 2015, Kobe Trade information Office has moved into the space of Hyogo Business and Cultural Center where is located to old suite. The director, Masao Kakiuchi, has returned to Kobe as of March 31st. A new director, Tetsuya Sometani, will be arriving in Seattle around the beginning of May. We look forward to your continued cooperation in the future.
神戸市シアトル事務所(Kobe Trade Information Office)が移転しました。
2015年4月1日に当事務所は隣接する兵庫県ワシントン州事務所(Hyogo Business and Cultural Center)内に移転しました。また、所長の垣内正雄は3月31日を以て神戸に帰任し、5月より新所長の染谷哲也が就任する予定です。今後とも神戸市シアトル事務所(Kobe Trade Information Office)をよろしくお願いいたします。

“Celebrate Washoku: KOBE BEEF” by Japan-America Society of the State of Washington was held at the Foundry in Seattle on Monday, February 23, where more than 100 people enjoyed Kobe beef, as well as Kobe’s Nada district’s sake and Kobe wine.
Chef John Howie of John Howie Steak gave a demonstration on how to properly prepare beef and Mr. Sam Takahashi, who is a food coordinator in Seattle area, gave a lecture on his experience about Tajima beef. Chef John Howie did a fantastic job of answering all the audience questions.
After the demonstration and dinner, the Seattle Kobe Jazz queen Leah Natale’s performance made all participants satisfied with both their full stomachs and hearts in a peaceful atmosphere.
Also, this event was made possible with huge cooperation from Mr. Shiro Kashiba of “Shiro’s Sushi“ and Mr. Tatsuya Nishino of “Nishino,” who have great reputations as Japanese chef in Seattle area.
We also had special representatives: Mr. Koshiba who is CEO of the Kobe Convention Visitor’s Association, Mr. Iwado from the City of Kobe, and Mr. Nosu from ItoHam USA. Consul General Omura from Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle gave us a fantastic speech.
Thank you for coming to the event, and thank you all of the sponsors and contributors.
This event could not have been a success without the dedication and hard work of people like you.
Thank you.
月曜日、ワシントン州日米協会主催による「Celebrate Washoku “KOBE BEEF”」が開催され、100名以上の方々が神戸ビーフ、灘五郷の日本酒、神戸ワインを楽しみました。
イベントでは「John Howie Steak」のジョン・ハウィ氏による神戸ビーフの調理法のデモンストレーションや、当地のフードコーディネーター、サム・高橋氏による和牛に関するレクチャーが開催され、多くの参加者から熱心な質問がありました。
このイベントにはジョン・ハウィ氏をはじめ「Shiro’s Sushi」の加柴司郎氏、「Nishino」の西野達也氏等のSuper Chefが協力してくださり、また在シアトル日本国総領事館から大村総領事が、神戸市から神戸市観光コンベンション協会小柴会長が、伊藤ハムアメリカからは野須一志が出席され、御挨拶をいただきました。
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by KTIO
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO

When: Monday, February 23, 2015 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: The Foundry – 4130 1st Ave South Seattle WA 98134
Registration: http://jassw.org/events/
Event sponsor – $500.00 (USD)
Event sponsorship – $250.00 (USD)
JASSW member – $85.00 (USD)
Non-member – $105.00 (USD)
Please take a look of the video that Japan America Society recorded for the Kobe Beef Event.
So far 65 have registered for the Event and capacity is 100.
This event gives you an opportunity to not only eat pure Kobe Beef from the city of Kobe but also gives you the education of what Wagyu is and Wagyu business in USA (what are the differences in the Kobe Beef Style and all other Wagyu brands?).
Yumi, our staff was able to bring the Owner of John Howie Steak to the event and talk about the customer’s preference at his restaurant and do the demonstration how he cooks steak and his own style of Shabu Shabu! Shiro-san, Founder of Shiro’s Sushi and Nishino-san, Owner of Nishino Restaurant are also helping to celebrate Washoku!
A representative from Itoham America is going to talk about the consumption of Wagyu in the USA, plus there will be a Sake tasting booth, Jazz entertainment etc. We have lots of collaboration for JASSW to have a successful event.
This is going to be one of the greatest events so please do not miss the opportunity to participate in Kobe Beef on Monday, February 23.
Ps: Thank you Director Kakiuchi of Kobe Trade Information Office for arranging real Kobe beef. People have no idea how tough it is to bring real Kobe Beef to Seattle.
2月23日 (月) 17:00 - 20:30
The Foundry – 4130 1st Ave South Seattle WA 98134

On Friday, January 16, 2015, “The 20th Anniversary Ceremony of the Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake” was held in the front of “Kobe Bell” at the Seattle Center and the ceremony was sponsored by Seattle Kobe Sister City Association, Hyogo Prefecture Washington Office, Cherry blossom Festival executive committees, and Kobe Trade Information Office.
Continuous rain through the morning completely stopped and under a beautiful blue sky which was unusual Seattle weather, we, more than 60 people attended the ceremony. We prayed and gave a condolence of 6, 434 victims.
Followed by the greetings of the special guests and the reading aloud of the prayer sentences of the Seattle Buddhism Society Priest, at 12:46 p.m. (Japan time January 17, 5:46 a.m.,) candles were lit to honor the dead and a one-minute prayer was offered with all participants. Then, each attendee moved hitting the Kobe Bell with memorial thought.
Japanese Consul General Masahiro Omura, Mr. Harper, a representative of the City of Seattle, and Mr. Uy, a representative of the State of Washington, three of them told the ceremony that “the sister city relations of Seattle and Kobe are very import. There strong relations want you to follow continuously.”
After the ceremony, there were some receptions and exhibitions in the building of Armory and Seattle-Kobe Sister City Association, City of Seattle, Hyogo Business & Cultural Center, and City of Kobe have booths to show about current Earthquake Disaster Preparedness project and ongoing risk management activities since the disaster.

Please join us on Jan. 16 for the Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake 20th Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony, a reflective ceremony and ringing of the Kobe Bell in honor of the victims of that terrible disaster that struck Seattle’s sister city of Kobe, Japan on January 17, 1995. The Seattle-Kobe Sister City Association (SKSCA), Kobe Trade Information Office, Hyogo Business & Cultural Center, Japanese Cherry Blossom and Cultural Festival, Japan America Society of the State of Washington, and other Japan-related organizations and friends will gather at 12:00 noon on Friday, January 16, 2015 at the Kobe Bell on the Seattle Center grounds.
Seattle residents gathered at the Kobe Bell 20 years ago when the earthquake struck, and the SKSCA and other Japan-related groups have held bell ringing ceremonies since then to remember victims and show support to our sister city and its surrounding communities. Seattle residents also gathered at the Kobe Bell after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Tohoku, Japan.
The program will include remarks from Japanese Consul General Masahiro Omura and other dignitaries, a moment of silence, bell ringing, and a gathering in the nearby Armory Building to view some photos from the earthquake.
Event Details
Friday, January 16, 2015
12 noon – 1:15 pm Bell Ringing Ceremony
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Gathering in nearby Armory Loft
12 noon –gathering at the Kobe Bell
12:15 pm – 12:40 pm – some speeches / comments by dignitaries / blessing by Buddhist priests
12:46 pm – Moment of Silence, Lighting of candles (exact time of the earthquake in Japan: 5:46 am on January 17)
12:47 pm – Participants are invited to ring the Kobe Bell
1:15 pm – Close
1 pm – 2:30 pm Gathering in Armory Loft Room to enjoy some beverages, snacks, look at Earthquake materials, and learn about emergency preparedness
Seattle-Kobe Sister City Association
Karin Zaugg Black 733-9810
Photo: 20th Anniversary of the Kobe Earthquake – Friday, Jan. 16 at 12:00 noon at the Kobe Bell