In visiting New York, Vice Mayor Tamada, Vice Chairman Bo, Director General Nagata of the Mayor’s Office, and KTIO Director Sometani visited Mr. Toyotaro Suzumura at the IBM Watson research office. There, they were informed of the details of the 4th consecutive top placement in the graph500 rankings, and were able to discuss advances in open data and AI.
Following this visit, the group met with Chairman Fujisaki of the Kobe International Club and Chairman Onishi of the NY Hyogo Kenjinkai in order to discuss ways to make the city of Kobe more attractive to tourists. The brainstorming resulted in many unique ideas for the future.
The Seattle Sister Cities reception was held for the first time in three years on Thursday, October 6th at the Seattle City Hall. The event this year was a step up from those previous due to the efforts of Paul Neville, the City of Seattle Director of International Affairs. With 21 Sister Cities, Seattle has one of the largest Sister City programs in the U.S. and this was definitely reflected in the international group of attendees at the reception.
Hosted by former KING 5 news anchor Jean Enersen, the reception showcased international music performed by Cooksie Kramer and the Northwest Accordionaires as well as booths with information about the various Sister Cities – including one representing our very own Kobe City. We enjoyed talking about Kobe with visitors from our fellow sister cities as well as Seattle Mayor Murray, who happily shared his experiences visiting Kobe earlier this year. We were also able to enjoy a keynote speech from international travel guru Rick Steves regarding the value of interacting with unfamiliar cultures. The ceremony closed with an energetic Hungarian Dance and a raffle drawing featuring prizes from some of the Sister Cities and local sponsors.
3年ぶりにシアトル姉妹都市レセプションが開催されましたが、今回ははシアトル市Paul Neville国際部長の大活躍で大きくグレードアップしたとのことです。神戸は、ブースを出展。姉妹都市協会とKTIOで訪問していただいた方に神戸の説明をしました。シアトルのマレー市長も神戸ブースに立ち寄られ、5月に神戸を訪問したことを楽しそうに話されました。市長挨拶でも、最初に昨年5月に神戸を訪問したことに触れました。基調講演は、旅行専門家の Rick Stevesによるもので、「異国を訪問することで、異文化に直接触れ、それぞれの大切にしている価値を見ることで、アメリカの良さがわかり同時に世界とのつながりを持てる」など。また、シアトル音楽交流ディレクターであるピアニストAngelo Rondelloの表現豊かで、力強いピアノ演奏が場内に響き渡りました。ハンガリーからの伝統的なダンスパフォーマンスも披露され、バイオリンと共にリズミカルなダンスを楽しむことができました。閉会間際に、姉妹都市と現地のスポンサーからの品を賞品としたラッフルが行われ、会場が賑わいました。
19 members of the Kobe Association of Corporate Executives toured Seattle during the last week of September.
First, the members met with Seattle Japanese Business Association President Mr. Katsurada and Seattle Japanese Consul Mr. Konishi in order to discuss the aeronautics and space industries in Seattle.
In order to get a closer look at these industries, we then visited the Everett Community College Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center. There we were able to see the facilities and equipment many students use to learn before they go to start their careers at Boeing. The teaching facilities were very impressive, and the equipment and materials being used were the same as what would be used at Boeing.
Afterwards, we were able to visit and tour the Boeing Everett factory facilities, and see cutting edge technology being used to construct the Boeing 747~787 planes.
この日は、航空宇宙産業の視察として、シアトル商工会会長の桂田さん、小西さんを招いて意見交換会をした後、昨年8月に神戸市とMOU (覚書)を締結したエバレットコミュニティカレッジを訪問し、多くのボーイングへ人材を輩出している同校の教育設備や授業で使う素材などを視察しました。ボーイング社で使うものと同じ機械や原料が印象的。その後、ボーイングエバレット工場内を徒歩で視察し、747から787まで最先端のテクノロジーを使って組み立てている様子を視察しました。
The K supercomputer has once again placed 1st in the Graph500 supercomputer rating for June 2016. The Graph 500 list is released twice a year, and the K supercomputer has managed to stay on top of the ranking three consecutive times since July 2015. This is in large part due to the efforts of Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro, who has worked to improve the efficiency of the K supercomputer.
The K supercomputer was created and is maintained by the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, and serves as the centerpiece of the Port Island Biomedical Cluster located in the City of Kobe. As part of the Biomedical Cluster, K sees use in the creation and research of new pharmaceuticals.
The Kobe International Club and Hyogo Kenjinkai hosted a celebratory reception in New York on July 8th, 2016 in Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro’s honor. There the President of the Kobe International Club, Mr. Hitomi Fujisaki praised Mr. Suzumura Toyotaro for all of his hard work in raising the efficiency of the K supercomputer.
2016年6月、京スーパーコンピューターがGraph500 での世界第1位を3期連続達成。Graph500は毎年2回開催され、京を活用して、計算機能のより高速なスーパーコンピューターを凌ぎました。この成果は、理化学研究所の許可を得て、京の演算機能の最適化に取り組んできた鈴村豊太郎さんの功績です。
The Suma Yacht Club visited the Seattle Yacht Club in early May of 2016.
Both Clubs have participated in a large scale exchange program every 3 years since taking part in a Sister Yacht Club agreement in 1980.
This year there was fierce competition for the 13th Takarabune Regatta Race, along with activities such as watching a Mariners game, in order to build a deeper relationship between the two clubs. The members of the Suma Yacht Club were able to enjoy the surprisingly warm and sunny weather seen in Seattle recently.
Five representatives from the Suma Yacht Club were able to visit Seattle deputy mayor Hyeok Kim, and present her with a letter to Mayor Murray from Kobe City Mayor Hisamoto.