Kobe Trade Information Office was able to observe the 2016 Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit (A&DSS) for 2016, held at the Seattle Convention Center on April 14th and 15th. There were approximately 450 companies in attendance this year, from countries such as the United States, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan, to name a few. The event is geared towards B to B meetings between various suppliers, and we were able to talk to several companies that attended.
In addition to meeting some of the suppliers, we were also able to attend some very interesting workshops with various presenters that are involved in the field, such as law firms, consultants, and government officials.
Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit(A&DSS)参加
B to Bに特化した航空宇宙防衛企業向けのコンベンションA&DSSに参加しました。展示の要素はなく、各ブースで非常に静かな雰囲気の中で粛々と商談を進めています。事前に参加者の提出したプロフィールを調べ、商談の時間を決めます。商談時間は各25分間。当オフィスは、視察を目的とした行政関係機関として、入場を認めていただきましたが、先方からアポイントを4件いただきお話を伺うこともできました。
期間: 2016年4月14日(木)、15日(金)
場所: シアトル コンベンションセンター 4階
The 12th Annual Seattle-Kobe Female Jazz Vocalist Audition was held on March 28th, 2016 at Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley.
There were 4 finalists in the High School Vocalist section, and 6 finalists in the Adult Vocalist section. Kirstina Buno claimed victory in the High School Vocalist section with her beautiful singing voice, and Adult Vocalist section winner LaVon Haridison amazed the audience with her performance. The two winners will be performing as guests in the Kobe Jazz Vocal Queen Contest held in Shinkaichi, Kobe on May 7th.
The Jazz Vocalist Audition also hosted several past winners, and we were able to listen in on their jam session as well as listen to their experiences in Kobe.
We would like to thank the new President of the Seattle Kobe Sister City Association, Benjamin Erickson, as well as previous President Karin Zaugg. They were a great help in the management and planning of this event, and we would not have been able to host this event without their help.
The event was preceded by welcome remarks from Consul Ryutaro Konishi, from the Consulate General of Japan, as well as the Kobe Trade Information Office Director Tetsuya Sometani. The KTIO Director was also able to read a letter from Kobe Mayor Kizo Hisamoto, celebrating the event and the ties between Seattle and Kobe.
3月28日 Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley で第12回女性ジャズボーカリスト オーディション開催。
高校生の部は、爽やかな歌声で場内を魅了したKristina Bunoさん
大人の部は、歌のうまさに加えて、情感豊かなステージパフォーマンスで、終了後も、会場をしばらくどよめかせたLaVon Haridisonさんが優勝。5月7日の神戸・新開地で行われる神戸ジャズボーカルクイーンコンテストでゲスト出場します。
この大会の運営サポートしていただいているSeattle Kobe Sister City Associationの新会長Benjamin Ericksonさんと前会長のKarin Zauggさんが見事な掛け合いでKobeを盛り上げていただきました。感謝!
冒頭では、シアトル総領事館小西領事に続いて、神戸シアトルビジネスオフィス ディレクター染谷より、ご挨拶と、久元喜造神戸市長からのメッセージを代読しました。

We have moved! Due to our building undergoing some reorganization, the KTIO/HBCC offices have moved from the 23rd floor to Suite 4310 on the 43rd floor in the Safeco Plaza building. We now have a great view of Mt. Rainier and Safeco field, so please drop by if you get a chance.

The Consulate General’s Official Residence in Seattle hosted a reception on December 10th in honor of the Japanese Emperor’s birthday. Many local officials and those with ties to Japan were in attendance. Kobe Trade Information Office was honored to attend alongside Hyogo Business & Culture Center. From our booth in the residence, we were able to hand out guides to the city of Kobe and introduce some local products to the attendees.
In particular we were asked about the Fukuju sake served for the toast, which is brewed by the Kobe Shu-Shin-Kan breweries in the Nada region of Kobe city. The sake had also been served during the dinner and reception for the Japanese scientist who won the Nobel Prize in 2012.
During the ceremony, Consul General Masahiro Omura presented KING 5 news anchor Ms. Lori Matsukawa with the Foreign Minister’s Commendation and former Washington Secretary of State Mr. Ralph Munro with the Foreign Minister’s Certificate of Gratitude.
Along with being a news anchor for King 5 TV, Ms. Lori Matsukawa is a co-founder and leader of the Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington, and works to promote Japanese language education and the preservation of Nikkei history.
The former Washington Secretary of State Ralph Munro has contributed greatly to Japan-U.S. relations, including the establishment of the Hyogo Business and Culture Center. His promotion of the sister relationship between Washington State and Hyogo Prefecture, alongside the development of many connections between Japanese officials and leaders, serves to bring Japan and the U.S. closer to this day.

In late August, KTIO and a delegation of 16 participants from Japan traveled to Silicon Valley in California. Among these 16 participants were entrepreneurs and students, who arrived in Silicon Valley with the goal of expanding their knowledge and expertise on business development, entrepreneurial growth, and successful methods for pitching ideas. From 8/22 through 8/27, KTIO and the team at San Francisco’s 500 Startups worked with these participants to develop entrepreneurial tools for success in business and technological fields.

At 500 Startups, participants from Japan lean how to effectively pitch an idea.
Participants from Japan traveled throughout Silicon Valley, visiting numerous organizations and startups such as Google, ChatWork, Pinterest, Yahoo!, Apple, Treasure Data and Twitter. After exploring Silicon Valley’s unique characteristics and entrepreneurial history, these participants were given the opportunity to present a pitch to Zafer Younis and Diana Moldavsky, Venture Partners at 500 Startups. Five participants were chosen to proceed into a “championship round” of pitch presentations.

One of the five finalists in the competition to pitch an idea presents at 500 Startups.

One of the five finalists in the competition to pitch an idea presents at 500 Startups.
By the end of the week presenter Mami Takesada was chosen as the winner. All participants who presented were counseled and given advice by Zafer Younis and Diana Moldavsky, who regularly support international entrepreneurs through 500 Startups.

Participants meet with 500 Startups employees and entrepreneurs to learn about the process of pitching and developing successful ideas.

Zafer Younis (left) and Diana Moldavsky (right) of 500 Startups pose for a photo with the winning participant from Japan, Mami Takesada.

The winning presenter is counseled by 500 Startups’ Zafer Younis.

Mr. Sometani and participants from Japan attend a lecture at Stanford University on the history and unique characteristics of Silicon Valley.

Participants from Japan prepare their individual pitchces before presenting ideas at 500 Startups.

Participants work with Zafer Younis, a Venture Partner at 500 Startups.

Participants from Japan sit in on a lecture at the Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati offices, a corporation providing legal services to tech companies.

Participants visit ChatWork in Sunnyvale, CA.

Participants from Japan visited the Google campus in Mountain View, CA.

Participants from Japan gather at Treasure Data in Mountain View, CA.

Participants from Japan exchange ideas with ChatWork, a communication platform designed for small businesses.

Participants from Japan also had the opportunity to visit the Yahoo! campus in Sunnyvale, CA.

Our trip included a visit to Stanford University, where participants were lectured on the history of Silicon Valley.

Participants from Japan visited Treasure Data, a company that specializes in data management.

The KTIO Director (far right) poses for a farewell photo with the participants from Japan.
KTIO would like to give Ms. Takesada our warm congratulations, and extend thanks to 500 Startups for its continued support of entrepreneurial exchange between Kobe, the United States, and Japan.