“Celebrate Washoku: KOBE BEEF” by Japan-America Society of the State of Washington was held at the Foundry in Seattle on Monday, February 23, where more than 100 people enjoyed Kobe beef, as well as Kobe’s Nada district’s sake and Kobe wine.
Chef John Howie of John Howie Steak gave a demonstration on how to properly prepare beef and Mr. Sam Takahashi, who is a food coordinator in Seattle area, gave a lecture on his experience about Tajima beef. Chef John Howie did a fantastic job of answering all the audience questions.
After the demonstration and dinner, the Seattle Kobe Jazz queen Leah Natale’s performance made all participants satisfied with both their full stomachs and hearts in a peaceful atmosphere.
Also, this event was made possible with huge cooperation from Mr. Shiro Kashiba of “Shiro’s Sushi“ and Mr. Tatsuya Nishino of “Nishino,” who have great reputations as Japanese chef in Seattle area.
We also had special representatives: Mr. Koshiba who is CEO of the Kobe Convention Visitor’s Association, Mr. Iwado from the City of Kobe, and Mr. Nosu from ItoHam USA. Consul General Omura from Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle gave us a fantastic speech.
Thank you for coming to the event, and thank you all of the sponsors and contributors.
This event could not have been a success without the dedication and hard work of people like you.
Thank you.
月曜日、ワシントン州日米協会主催による「Celebrate Washoku “KOBE BEEF”」が開催され、100名以上の方々が神戸ビーフ、灘五郷の日本酒、神戸ワインを楽しみました。
イベントでは「John Howie Steak」のジョン・ハウィ氏による神戸ビーフの調理法のデモンストレーションや、当地のフードコーディネーター、サム・高橋氏による和牛に関するレクチャーが開催され、多くの参加者から熱心な質問がありました。
このイベントにはジョン・ハウィ氏をはじめ「Shiro’s Sushi」の加柴司郎氏、「Nishino」の西野達也氏等のSuper Chefが協力してくださり、また在シアトル日本国総領事館から大村総領事が、神戸市から神戸市観光コンベンション協会小柴会長が、伊藤ハムアメリカからは野須一志が出席され、御挨拶をいただきました。
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by KTIO
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO
Photo by JASSW
Photo by Tom Kohler
Photo by JASSW
Photo by KTIO