The 12th Annual Seattle-Kobe Female Jazz Vocalist Audition was held on March 28th, 2016 at Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley.
There were 4 finalists in the High School Vocalist section, and 6 finalists in the Adult Vocalist section. Kirstina Buno claimed victory in the High School Vocalist section with her beautiful singing voice, and Adult Vocalist section winner LaVon Haridison amazed the audience with her performance. The two winners will be performing as guests in the Kobe Jazz Vocal Queen Contest held in Shinkaichi, Kobe on May 7th.
The Jazz Vocalist Audition also hosted several past winners, and we were able to listen in on their jam session as well as listen to their experiences in Kobe.
We would like to thank the new President of the Seattle Kobe Sister City Association, Benjamin Erickson, as well as previous President Karin Zaugg. They were a great help in the management and planning of this event, and we would not have been able to host this event without their help.
The event was preceded by welcome remarks from Consul Ryutaro Konishi, from the Consulate General of Japan, as well as the Kobe Trade Information Office Director Tetsuya Sometani. The KTIO Director was also able to read a letter from Kobe Mayor Kizo Hisamoto, celebrating the event and the ties between Seattle and Kobe.
3月28日 Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley で第12回女性ジャズボーカリスト オーディション開催。
高校生の部は、爽やかな歌声で場内を魅了したKristina Bunoさん
大人の部は、歌のうまさに加えて、情感豊かなステージパフォーマンスで、終了後も、会場をしばらくどよめかせたLaVon Haridisonさんが優勝。5月7日の神戸・新開地で行われる神戸ジャズボーカルクイーンコンテストでゲスト出場します。
この大会の運営サポートしていただいているSeattle Kobe Sister City Associationの新会長Benjamin Ericksonさんと前会長のKarin Zauggさんが見事な掛け合いでKobeを盛り上げていただきました。感謝!
冒頭では、シアトル総領事館小西領事に続いて、神戸シアトルビジネスオフィス ディレクター染谷より、ご挨拶と、久元喜造神戸市長からのメッセージを代読しました。