The Seattle-Kobe Sister City 60th anniversary celebrations kick-off reception was held at the Consul General’s Official Residence in Seattle.
On February 24th, Consul General Omura began with a few words of welcome, followed by greetings from Seattle Mayor Ed Murray. Our own Director Sometani read a message from the Kobe Mayor, and introduced a promotional DVD of Kobe. Seattle Kobe Sister City Association President Benjamin Erickson presented information on the history of the Sister City relationship, as well as plans in progress for this year. Seattle City Council President Bruce Harrell began the festivities with a toast, and the 50 or so participants were able to discuss further the plans for this year, as well as the past accomplishments of the Sister City relationship.
2月24日、在シアトル日本総領事館主催で大村総領事の歓迎の言葉の後、シアトル市マレー市長がご挨拶。当オフィス染谷代表が神戸市長からのメッセージを代読し、神戸市のプロモーションDVDを提供をしました。ベンジャミン エリクソン シアトル神戸姉妹都市協会会長が、これまでの姉妹都市交流の実績と今年度の行事予定を発表。ブルースハレルシアトル市議会議長の乾杯の音頭で、50名あまりの参加者それぞれが、今年の事業への意気込みや、過去の姉妹都市交流の思い出話などで盛り上がりました。