KTIO, along with other Japan-related organization, participated in the Mariners’ Japan Night this past Saturday (July 12th). More than 100 people attended the pre-game celebration, along with the Mariners’ CEO Kevin Mather and the Consul-General of Japan, Mr. Omura. KTIO also had a Kobe booth at the game. Luckily the Mariners won 6-2 over the Oakland A’s, thanks to some great pitching by Iwakuma!
7月12日、「マリナーズ・ジャパンナイト」に参加しました。試合に先立って行われたレセプションには大村総領事やマリナーズのCEO、Kevin Mather氏も出席、100名以上の日系コミュニティの方々が参加されました。共催者である当事務所では神戸紹介ブースも出展しました。 試合は岩隈投手の素晴らしいピッチングで6-2でアスレチックスに快勝しました。
Our office attended the 2014 BIO International Convention in San Diego this week. In addition to accompanying Ms. Yuuko Muta from the Kobe Medical Industry Promotion Division to various events at the convention, we also attended meetings with some of San Diego’s Biotech companies, as well as with Biocom and CONNECT.
6月23日~26日にサンディエゴで開催された世界最大規模のバイオ関連産業の展示会「BIO2014」に参加しました。今年は神戸市医療産業推進本部のサイエンスコミュニケーター牟田祐子さんに同行し会議や展示会に参加するとともに、サンディエゴのバイオクラスターの現地視察やBiocom ,CONNECT等関係団体への訪問を行いました。
On June 20th, our office attended a lecture series entitled, “U.S.-Japan Relations: The Implications for the Pacific Northwest Economy and Trade.” The guest speaker at the event was Marc Knapper, the Director of Japanese Affairs in the U.S. Department of State. There was also a panel discussion with representatives from companies such as Delta Airlines and Costco as well as representatives from the Washington State government and the Bellevue Municipal government. At the event location, we were also able to have a Kobe Information Booth.
6月20日(金)ベルビュー市庁舎で行われた、ワシントン州日米協会主催のシンポジウムThe Implications for the Pacific Northwest Economy & Tradeに出席。会場内では神戸ブースも出展しました。シンポジウムでは米国国務省日本担当部長のマーク・ナッパー氏による基調講演や、ワシントン州政府、デルタ航空、コストコ、ベルビュー市からのスピーカーによるパネルディスカッションが行われました。
On May 10th, the 15th Annual Kobe Shinkaichi Jazz Vocal Queen Contest took place in Kobe. Out of the 134 entrants, Ms. Rie Takahashi was the winner and she will sing at Seattle’s Jazz Alley on September 15th. In addition to the contest, the Seattle Jazz Queen winners—Jennifer Kienzle and Laura Rosok—also gave guest performances. We hope to see you at Jazz Alley in September!
5月10日、神戸で「第15回神戸新開地ジャズヴォーカルクイーンコンテスト」が開催され、134組の応募者の中から予選を勝ち抜いた10組のシンガーたちが技を競いました。シアトルジャズクイーンのJennifer KienzleさんとLaura Rosokさんもゲスト出演しました。今年は神戸出身の高橋リエさんが見事グランプリを受賞。彼女は9月15日にジャズアレーに出演します。皆さんお楽しみに!
The 39th Annual Cherry Blossom and Japanese Culture Festival was held April 25-27 at the Seattle Center. KTIO had a booth again this year to help promote tourism. In addition to a maze of different booths, there was also a musical about the first Japanese sailors who landed in the US (and it was by accident!). The musical helped make this year’s festival a huge success!
We wish to give a big thank you to everyone who stopped by the Kobe booth, as well as a huge pat on the back to all of this year’s hard-working volunteers!